Tuesday 3 September 2013

For the Love of Nuts.

Nuts. I LOVE nuts. I would have to admit, they are my ultimate weakness! BUT as per my last post, everything in moderation, right? Plus nuts are nature's own 'health pills'.

Nuts can be somewhat controversial. I know some people who won't touch them due to their high energy content. Despite popular belief - those who consume regular (appropriate) servings of raw nuts are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Besides - the combination of protein, fibre and good fats make them a great snack to control appetite and keep you feeling full!

Whoops, there I go, blabbing again - get to the point?!

So - down below, you will find a list of nuts and their nutrition content, benefits and how many are in a 30g serving (yes, 30g is the recommended serving, per day to reap all of those nutty rewards without over-doing it)

Find your favourite nut...
Peanut (technically, this isn't a nut. It's a legume. Makes for a great start to the list of nuts).
Nutrition: high in protein and fibre. Keep their skins on and they'll provide you with a punch of antioxidants and folate.
Benefits: research has shown they have the ability to reduce the risk of heart-disease and diabetes, lower cholesterol and help with weight management (bear in mind I am talking about raw nuts, not covered in salt!)
30g serving? 30 peanuts

Pine nut
Nutrition: rich in the antioxidant, manganese
Benefits: these nuts have shown to increase appetite-regulating hormones in the intestine, making you feel fuller for longer!
30g serving? 3 tablespoons

Nutrition: low-GI carbohydrate source, low in fat and are the only nuts to contain vitamin C
Benefits: good for diabetics, due to their low GI
30g serving? 4 chestnuts

Nutrition: rich in vitamin E and a great non-dairy source of calcium
Benefits: research has shown that eating almonds daily can lower blood cholesterol
30g serving? 25 almonds

Nutrition: high in plant proteins, plant sterols and healthy fats. Also contains the antioxidant reveratrol, which can be found in red wine
Benefits: 1-2 handfuls per day can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol
30g serving? 20 pistachio nuts

Nutrition: great source of copper, magnesium and iron
Benefits: cashews are the nuts most likely to be tolerated
30g serving? 15 cashews

Nutrition: these are the highest in mono-unsaturated fats and contain high levels of manganese & fibre
Benefits: eating 30g of macadamias daily can significantly reduce cholesterol, inflammation and blood clotting
30g serving? 15 macadamias

Nutrition: natural plant omega-3 fats and have an extremely high antioxidant content
Benefits: pecans have shown to help reduce cholesterol and prevent clogged arteries
30g serving? 20 pecans

Brazil nut
Nutrition: brazil nuts are the richest dietary source of selenium!
Benefits: selenium can help prevent cellular damage, and 2-3 brazil nuts each day will reach your RDI of selenium
30g serving? 8 brazil nuts

Nutrition: rich in omega-3's including the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Benefits: they have great anti-inflammatory properties and are good for diabetics
30g serving? 12 halves

Nutrition: an excellent source of vitamin E, copper and manganese
Benefits: rich in fibre, essential for a health bowel!
30g serving? 20 hazelnuts

...And after all that! What is your favourite nut??


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